Make Your Moments Matter

I recently came back from a Christmas family gathering. It was one of the few times over the last several years when we all (Me, my parents, and siblings) spent Christmas together. It was probably one of my best memories of the past decade and definitely one of my top memories in 2023.

My family and I are all adults, which means we have our own lives. Gatherings like these tend to happen throughout the years but are obviously less common than when we all lived together during my childhood. And it got me thinking about the value of time.

Moments like these are finite to us. We only have so many opportunities to spend time with people we love, be in the places we love, and do the things we love. Ironically, it's this finiteness that makes time so valuable.

Now, how is that relevant to this blog?

Well, one of the reasons I started traveling was because I wanted to spend my time in places doing things I enjoyed. At the time, it was mostly outdoor-focused because the outdoors brought me solace and peace -- they still do.

It was my way to retreat from the usual trappings of life and enjoy the quietness leading to deeper thought and introspection. Naturally, I wanted to share methods for doing this with others because it was shared with me, which helped me become a better version of myself. That is a big reason I started this blog- it was a valuable use of my time.

No, I am not using this as a way to tease something upcoming or make some grand statement about the blog's direction. I just wanted to write this letter to anyone who needs to hear this...

Reclaim Your Time.

Dedicate it to the things and people you love. It could mean doing things that are not immediately gratifying. But remember, every step taken, even the bad ones, is an investment in a life that genuinely matters to you.


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