Places to Sleep on the Road

I cannot count the number of times I have been traveling through an area and did not have the energy to look for or desire to pay for a hotel. In times like these, it really helps to know where you can sleep…legally. Luckily, I have done a little bit of research and a good bit of traveling. So here are a few places I have found, that you can lay your head for the evening and not have to worry about getting towed.

Most of the time…Keep in mind, these are general guidelines. Every place I mention has certain stipulations when it comes to staying overnight. And for the most part, you cannot stay longer than one night unless you are staying in a National Forest area.

Walmart Parking Lots

Let me start with a disclaimer — I have never actually stayed in a Walmart parking lot. Personally, I cannot stand Walmart but many do allow overnight campers. Walmarts are typically very friendly to RV’ers, which makes their parking lots ideal for an overnight stay. You should just be aware this is not a blanket rule and Walmarts tend to be high traffic areas. So if you decide to stay, there is the potential you will see a lot of foot traffic, especially if the Walmart is a 24 hour store.

Even with these issues, Walmart is still a good option if you are looking to grab some sleep.

Rest Stops

Rest stops/rest areas on the interstate are another great option. For the most part, most of the country will allow you to stay in a rest area for up to 24 hours. This can be a convenient option, especially if you are traveling along an interstate road. They provide facilities for using the restroom, washing up and are quickly accessible via the major interstates. These locations are also patrolled by law enforcement so you can feel fairly safe.

However, you also need to be aware that rest areas have some of the issues I previously mentioned with Walmart — mainly being highly trafficked. You are also near an interstate so you will always have to deal with the noise from vehicles traveling the interstate.

Cracker Barrel Parking Lots

This was an option I was not aware of until a couple of years ago. One evening, on my way back to Georgia, I decided to stay in a dispersed camping area. The area did not feel right when I got there and after trying to catch a little shut eye, I decided to bail. I drove an hour and could not find any place I felt safe sleeping for the night. That is when I discovered Cracker Barrel parking lots

To lend a little context, I do not like eating at Cracker Barrel but I was glorified to find out they were friendly to overnight camping. Like Walmart, these are typically kept in mind for RV’ers but if you are in a pinch, a Cracker Barrel can be a suitable option. This is not the case for every location but many do offer their parking lots as an option and you will not have to worry about high traffic because this is not a 24/7 business.

Dispersed Camping

Finally, we have dispersed camping. The holy grail of last minute places to sleep. I have talked about dispersed camping plenty in the past so I will just say this. If I had to choose between any of these other options and dispersed camping, I’m choosing dispersed camping every time. I encourage you to look at my previous post to see all the benefits and best practices.

If you are in need of a place, these are some great options. Driving while tired is extremely dangerous and you should always know the best places to get some rest if you are need. These are typically the best and safest options but I am sure there are some others as well. Just know that you do not have to sleep on the side of the road or continue driving on fumes. Stop at one of these locations, check with the managers and get some rest before you continue your journey.


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