
Correy Overton Agate House Petrified Forest National Park Arizona USA

Agate House at the Petrified Forest National Park

Mindfulness - Be Present

During a recent trip to Arizona, I constantly found myself at peace. As we explored this wonderful state, I could not help but be in awe of the beauty and magnificence offered up by our 48th state. As I reflect on what made this trip so peaceful, I return to two words.

Be Present

I often find myself thinking of everything all at once. Consequently, I become overwhelmed and get nothing done. Many other people find themselves in this situation due to the stresses of work, constantly being bombarded by social media, or just contending with so many aspects of life.

Life can be pretty unforgiving but you only have one on this Earth. So if I could ever give anyone struggling with the morass of life any advice, it would be those two simple words.

Be Present

I will end with this — a quote from Lao Tzu:

If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living in the present.


In Search of Peace


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